How to Setup a New Customer


  1. In the Operations menu, go to “Sales Invoicing” ->  “Customer Setup”
  2. This will load the ‘Customer Account Setup’ form.
  3. Press F5 to clear the Form.


  4. In the “Customer Code” field, enter in the code of the new customer (ensure the code you enter is unique from other customers and contains no spaces or special characters)
  5. Enter the Customer name into the “Customer Name” field
  6. Now enter the Customer address into the “Address” field, and enter address code (or post code) into the “Addr Code” field.
  7. The next step is to choose the “Customer Type” which you will have to choose from the options shown below.


  8. All the basic customer information should now be entered in the form.


  9. You can also add in customer contact details. Click here to see how to do this.


  10. On the account settings tab, choose a currency, area code, default route and delivery date from the … lookup lists.
  11. To Save the new Customer, press F2 on the keyboard.