How to Setup and print Delivery Notes

You can setup delivery notes for a specific customer or all customers.

Setting up one Customer for Printing of Delivery notes:

  1. Go to Sales Invoicing -> Customer Setup.

  1. In Customer Setup, go to Settings > Account Settings > Other/Web.
  2. There is a  ‘Print Delivery Note’ option, tick this box to set the selected customer up for printing delivery notes.

To set Print Delivery Notes for all customers:

  1. Go to the Season Icon -> Setup Office -> System Settings and Default Codes

  1. Select the lock and enter in password to unlock this window.
  2. Go to SOP tab and then Printing.
  3. Select the ‘Print Delivery Dockets (All Customers)’ checkbox

  1. To save these changes select the Save icon.

Printing Delivery Notes

  1. When you have confirmed an order for customer’s setup to print delivery notes the orders will move to the Print Delivery note stage.
  2. Go to Sales Invoicing > Print Daily Dockets.
  3. In here there is the option ‘Del Notes’ select this option to see the invoice.

  1. Select the invoice you want to print and select ‘Print Del Notes’.
  2. You will be asked if they have printed successfully, click yes to move them off the print delivery note stage.