How to Globally update all Product Prices

This Routine will update all Product Prices based upon the product cost and required Margin.

  1. Go to Product Management -> Price Management
  2. In the top left go to Utilities -> Global Update all Prices

  1. You have 3 options for updating the prices:
    • Update Customer Price Books- This will Update all prices on the customer price books based upon the product cost and required margin.
    • Update Prices On Orders NOT Printed As Invoices- This will Update all prices on Orders not printed as Invoices based upon the product cost and required margin.
    • Update Prices On UNPRINTED Manual Invoices- This will Update all prices on Unprinted Manual Invoices based upon the product cost and required margin.
  2. Select the option(s) that you want and then click the green tick.

  1. A screen will appear asking you if you wish to continue with the update, click yes.

  1. A message will appear saying ‘Global Price Update Complete’, click ok to close the message.