How to add new Customer Market Codes and Sort Keys in Season Office

Creating the new Codes

  1. Click on the Season Icon -> Setup Office -> System Settings and Default Codes

  1. Click on the General -> Master Codes Tabs
  2. Click on the unlock icon in the bottom right and log in with your admin password.

  1. In the ‘Code Types’ grid, scroll down until you reach the code type that you want.
    • For Customer Market codes go to ‘MARKETCODE’
    • For Sort Key 1 go to ‘CUSTSORT1’
    • For Sort Key 2 go to ‘CUSTSORT2’
  2. Within the ‘Validation Codes’ grid tab across onto a new line and enter in your new code and description.
  3. Tab onto another line and that will save the new code.
  4. Close out of Season and re-load it to initialise the new code.

Assigning a Sort Key/Market code to a Customer

  1. In the operations menu, navigate to Sales Invoicing-> Customer Setup.
  2. Within Customer setup, load your customer of choice by pressing F4 and choosing your customer in the popup.
  3. Navigate to the Settings-> Account Settings-> Analysis tabs
  4. You can now select your codes from the dropdown lists against the relevant headings.
    • ‘Market’ is for Market codes
    • ‘User Defined 1’ is for Sort Key 1
    • ‘User Defined 2’ is for Sort Key 2
  5. Press F2 to save your changes