How to open and run a pre-defined Query Definition

  1. Click on the Season icon- > Office Tools ->  Season Query…


  1. This will bring up the ‘Query Definition’ program.
  2. Click on the folder icon at the top of the window to select a pre-defined query (highlighted in the image below).

  1. This will bring up the standard Windows file open dialog.
  2. Query definitions are stored in a folder per user. It may be necessary to navigate to the correct folder to find the query definition to be run.


  1. Double click on the Query you wish to open. This will load the query definition.

  1. Click in to the ‘Selection’ tab to amend any of the selection criteria as necessary.

  1. Click on the ‘Default Value’ button to enter in the new criteria. This will popup a form to enter in the new values.

  1. Enter the values and click OK.
  2. Now click on the ‘Output’ tab to select output criteria.
    • If outputting to a file you will need to make sure the file path is valid.
    • If outputting to a printer, click the ‘Printer’ button to set printer options.

  1. Click on the ‘Run’ button to run the report.