How to Print a Comparative Purchase Analysis report
The comparative purchase report allows you to compare and analyse purchases orders within two date ranges.
- On the reports menu, go to Purchase analysis > Comparative
- At the top of the report menu you will be able to choose how to output your report, either by PDF preview or printer.
- Next you will be asked to choose the date ranges for the two columns.
- In the selection option you can chose to filter by either supplier, product or group.
- By ticking selection options you will be given the option to only view selected products.
- The best/ worst filter can simply be used to filter products from either their best or worst and list your top/bottom 10,20, 30 or 40
- You can choose to report by either purchases or units.
- The report detail can either be summarised or presented in detail.
- When you have chosen the settings, click the print button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen and your report will be produced.