How to Cancel a Nominal Payment

  1. In the Operations Menu, go to Purchase ledger -> Payments Other

  1. This will load the Nominal Payment Entry Program.
  2. Click on the Utilities menu -> Cancel Nominal Payment.

  1. This will load the Nominal Payment Reversal Program

  1. Click on the prompt button (…) in the Post Number field to load the Nominal Payments popup.

  1. Now select the payment that you need to reverse and click on the green tick. This will load the payment into the Nominal Payment Reversal Program.

  1. Select the line you wish to reverse and click on the ‘Save Reversal’ button.
  2. You will receive a message asking you to confirm the reversal, click yes to reverse the payment.

  1. The message “Nominal Payment Reversed” will now appear to tell you that it has been reversed successfully.

  1. Click the OK button to dismiss this message